Fagus launching 30th June!
We are thrilled to announce that we will be holding the official launch of Fagus on 30th June between 5pm and 8pm at Hall Place, BCA, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead SL6 6QR. Refreshments will be served.
Speakers include Daniela Shanly – Proprietor of Beech Lodge School about how and why they created Fagus, Alastair Lidster – Educational Psychologist and Co-author of Fagus about child development and the context of Fagus, Helen Hoban of PAC-UK who co-ordinated a DfE funded pilot in schools in Yorkshire & Humberside using Fagus and Becci Best, Assistant Psychologist and co-author of Fagus who will be giving a comprehensive overview of how Fagus can be implemented in schools. There will be the opportunity to look at the Fagus materials and ask any probing questions you might have.
We have only a few spaces left so if you would like to come and join us at what promises to be an informative and celebratory evening, please contact us on 01628 879384 or email fagus@beechlodgeschool.co.uk